Upgrade OpenAM to Wren:AM.

Switching from OpenAM to Wren:AM provides access to up-to-date and supported technologies, which are vital for maintaining a high-quality security system. Migrating to Wren Security products guarantees backward compatibility due to the direct continuity of development of all three original products – OpenAM, OpenDJ, and OpenIDM.

Security first

Why is an upgrade necessary?

The original OpenAM has not been supported since 2016. Actively maintained software is a crucial element of cybersecurity. In addition to the application itself, the technologies it requires for operation also become outdated – Java runtime environment, application servers, etc. To ensure the security of systems in your organization, it is necessary to bring them up to a state-of-the-art level and guarantee the development and support of the system in the future.

Since OpenAM is no longer able to provide this assurance, a simple solution is available in the form of an upgrade to its successor – the community-maintained WrenAM, for which commercial support and maintenance can be purchased. Your security department will be able to check off compliance, and you will have peace of mind.


Seamless migration to Wren:AM

By upgrading your OpenAM or OpenIDM solution to Wren:AM or Wren:IDM, you gain access to up-to-date and supported technologies. This upgrade is a seamless migration ensuring backward compatibility. This guarantees a smooth transition from the perspective of all integrated systems. With the continuation of the user interface, changes are minimized for users, and the migration will not significantly impact the operation of your organization.

Wren:AM is a developed and supported solution already used by numerous large companies and banks. Whether the migration is a mere replacement of the original system with a new one or serves as an opportunity for more significant architectural changes, we will assist you in such a project and guide you through the change.

In integration projects, we apply best practices of software engineering, including automated behavioral tests, DevOps, and consistent configuration management in the source code repository. This is complemented by state-of-the-art user interfaces (UX).

Wren:AM as the open-source successor to OpenAM

The Wren Security Suite has its origins in OpenSSO, which was first published by Sun Microsystems in July 2005, and shortly after in the OpenDS directory service, which was opened in June 2006.

Following the acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle Corporation in February 2010, public support for these projects was terminated. The projects were taken over by ForgeRock as OpenAM and OpenDJ and further developed under the CDDL license. In October 2010, ForgeRock added identity management to its portfolio when it launched OpenIDM. This was an exceptionally high-quality software used by thousands of organizations in both open-source and commercial versions. 

OpenAM, OpenDJ, and OpenIDM were developed as open source until 2016 when the development was closed. A year later, the Wren Security community was created, which develops the inherited code under new names. Thus, Wren:AM, Wren:DS, and Wren:IDM were born.


What’s next?

Running an older OpenAM?

Transitioning to Wren Security, or specifically Wren:AM, offers the benefits of a modern and secure solution, eliminates the risks associated with implementing an entirely new system, and reduces the enormous costs that would be required when transitioning to an incompatible product family.

Our consultants will examine the architecture of your system and assess what the upgrade to Wren:AM would specifically mean for your organization. Schedule a non-binding consultation and find out how you can join the successful organizations already using Wren:AM.

Get in touch to find out
how we can assist you.